**This post has some colorful language** Have you ever had a family member diagnosed with cancer? If you haven't, I hope you never do. If you have, you might appreciate the fabric I designed and had printed at Spoonflower. (This is an affiliate link. If you buy some of this fabric, I will make a … Continue reading Fabric Design
Dizzy Quilter is 1 Year Old – Giveaway!
I'm kind of surprised, but I have kept up with blogging for an entire year. It has been fun, and a bit more work than I expected. It has also served to keep me motivated - I like to have something to share every week. These are a few of my favorite finishes for the … Continue reading Dizzy Quilter is 1 Year Old – Giveaway!
2016 Quilter's Planner Sew-Along
I'm so excited to be participating in the 2016 Quilter's Planner Sew-Along! Hosted by Stephanie at Late Night Quilter, we will be making the Scrappy Picnic Plaid quilt, designed by Lee Heinrich of Freshly Pieced. It is such a cute pattern, and I'm hoping it will eat up some of my scraps. Projects like this … Continue reading 2016 Quilter's Planner Sew-Along
Salvaged Half Square Triangles
One of my favorite aspects of quilting is the historical need to recycle every last bit of our precious textiles. I'm from New England, and have inherited a serious unwillingness to throw things away. I don't know if it is from my grandparents surviving the great depression and passing it on, or if I'm just … Continue reading Salvaged Half Square Triangles
La Passion, Again
My fascination with this project has fired back up. I have been working on this piece for more than three years now. I started in September of 2013. I go between periods of frantic stitching and periods of looking at it and feeling guilty that I haven't done anything. Well, now I'm frantic. I've set … Continue reading La Passion, Again
#100Days100Blocks – Part IV
I have now completed the first 80 blocks of my Tula Pink City Sampler quilt. I am absolutely stunned that I have gotten this far right on schedule. This is a testament to my absolute insanity. Again, thank you to Angie at Gnome Angel for setting up such a great project. I have to start … Continue reading #100Days100Blocks – Part IV
Pablo's Hooters
There I was, innocently working away on my Stash Builder Box charity blocks for the month. Art Gallery Fabric's Nightfall collection is awesome - I really like the four pieces I received. I decided to stretch the rules a bit, and use a grey print that reads mostly solid. Solids are not really my thing, … Continue reading Pablo's Hooters
Snowflake Shimmer – Finished!
Three days of burying thread tails and it is now time for the washing machine. I will reconsider echo quilting with my walking foot next time - I opted to break stitching lines here and there to minimize turning the quilt, and ended up with billions of thread tails to knot off and bury. It … Continue reading Snowflake Shimmer – Finished!
Pumpkin Spice
A few weeks ago Jedi Craft Girl's Halloween Disappearing Nine Patch came across my Facebook feed. I'm fairly busy with other projects right now (Snowflake Shimmer, Scrappy Appliqué Skyline, 100Days100Blocks), so that means it is the perfect time to whip together a fast and easy quilt. I went to my scrap bins and pulled out several … Continue reading Pumpkin Spice
The Eastern States Exposition
My husband was kind enough to take me up to the Eastern States Exposition, or the Big E, as it is informally known. He was hankering for some fair food, and I was eager to see my quilts displayed with all of the others. I submitted three, and all three were awarded ribbons. That's No … Continue reading The Eastern States Exposition