Sewing Hexessories, with Hexadoodle Quilts

I've got a new pattern from a friend to share with you! When Alison from Hexadoodle Quilts was looking for testers for her new Sewing Hexessories pattern, you know I jumped at the opportunity. Hexagon shaped sewing accessories, combined with fabric origami? Yes, please! The Sewing Hexessories pattern comes with three projects included, and I … Continue reading Sewing Hexessories, with Hexadoodle Quilts

Try a Tool with Island Batik

Exploring Studio 180 Design rulers with the Island Batik Ambassadors This month all of the Island Batik Ambassadors are playing with different tools from Deb Tucker, of Studio 180 Designs. I've used some of them in the past and enjoyed them, so I was excited to see what new magical gadget I would receive this … Continue reading Try a Tool with Island Batik

2020 Island Batik Unboxing – Part II

My box of Island Batik goodies for the second half of 2020 has arrived. I've opened it, filmed my initial fabric fondling, and taken extensive photos. Are you ready to share my favorite part of being a brand ambassador? This is what I started with 41 lbs from Island Batik in two boxes, a box … Continue reading 2020 Island Batik Unboxing – Part II

Diabolical Double Disappearing Diagonal Daydream

Or, Reyna Periodically Pursues Perseveration My friend from work, Reyna from Bramble Brains, was kind enough to allow me to test her new disappearing nine patch quilt pattern, which I will call by its other name, D5, since I mix up the proper order of the words. This quilt is so much fun. It looks … Continue reading Diabolical Double Disappearing Diagonal Daydream