That means it is time for the Hexagonquilt "La Passion" Facebook group to post updates on the progress of their La Passion quilts. For me, most Wednesdays are usually a bit of a let down. Everyone else is making such fast progress, and here I am, still plodding along, more than two years after starting. … Continue reading It's Wednesday!
Bobbin Storage
I cannot be the only quilter with a box full of half used, tangled bobbins. Some days I feel like they are the bane of my existence. There is never an empty one when I need it, and they are never all the way full. Life is hard. (I don't have a photo, because I … Continue reading Bobbin Storage
My Quilting Studio Takes Shape
This week, instead of whining, I'm going to share my progress in setting up my new studio. It isn't finished yet, but I can clearly see that it will be up and running shortly. This is where I started with my plan. Yes, I still use graph paper rather than an online design program. The … Continue reading My Quilting Studio Takes Shape
Cathedral Windows
I'm back! Life has been a little wild for the past few weeks, and I have let the blog slide for a bit. After purchasing our new home, rushing to move in, and trying to unpack all of the boxes (which still is less than half done), I am finally able to catch my breath. We are … Continue reading Cathedral Windows
Busy, Busy…
I've had movers here today, packing up my house to prepare for a move next week. My studio is packed up, part of it is at the new house, part still in the current house. I have done very little quilting this week. I'm a sad quilter. I was able to spend a few hours … Continue reading Busy, Busy…
Roses for Susan
I've been pretty busy this week. Not enough stitching progress on anything to take photos of. Instead, I'm sharing an older piece. Enjoy! This is a raw edge appliqué quilt I made back in 2003. I can't remember exactly when I made it, but it was a gift for my aunt, who was undergoing treatment … Continue reading Roses for Susan
Rainbow Mosaics
**Be sure to read to the end to find out how you can win this quilt.** This is a UFO that has been waiting to be finished off for a year or so. The pattern was originally published as a quilt along at Stitched in Color. Rachel made a great html button for her quilt … Continue reading Rainbow Mosaics
Denim Mondrian
It is finally finished! I have been slogging away at this quilt in very little bits. I lost my steam once the top was complete. Piecing is always my favorite part - once that is done I often wander off in different directions. Since denim is so heavy, I just layered it with some flannel … Continue reading Denim Mondrian
IUD Side Effect Awareness
This is a non-quilty post. My sister-in-law has put together a team that is working on a film project to spread awareness of the negatives side effects of IUD usage. They have put together a short preview while they continue their investigation and work on raising funds for their project. Check it out.
La Passion Continues to Grow
I've made some good progress on my La Passion over the past few months. Getting the whole thing into the photo is getting harder and harder. I work on it for a few hours a day for a couple of weeks, then set it aside and do other projects before it calls to me again. … Continue reading La Passion Continues to Grow