Katja Marek – March & April Blocks

I hate running behind on a project, I really do.  Once I got into gear and finished off the February blocks, I was feeling ambitious.  My husband was quite accepting of my turning the dining room table into my studio for the weekend, so that I could fussy cut while he binged on TV series. … Continue reading Katja Marek – March & April Blocks

Katja Marek – February blocks

I've gotten a little off track with this project since the first month.  I've pieced all four main blocks, and three are attached to their backing and batting.  Only two are complete, with the sashing corners tacked down.  All should be finished today, as long as the puppy and laundry allow it. Block 5: Caroline … Continue reading Katja Marek – February blocks

Quilter's Planner Cover

One of my online quilting heroes, Stephanie from Late Night Quilter, sold a Quilter's planner last year.  I will admit, I was initially skeptical that I would need/use such a thing.  The more I followed the planning she put into the planner, the more intrigued I was.  I am a paper calendar (DayTimer) girl, so … Continue reading Quilter's Planner Cover

Triskele Fabric Globes

An interesting video recently came across my Facebook feed. https://youtu.be/k3Rpqofcu4s You can read Hattifant's blog post here, at Hattifant.com/category/blog.  I was hooked.  I ponied up the $5 for her patterns, and they are awesome and every bit as easy to assemble as her video demonstrates.  What immediately struck me was that I thought I could make these with … Continue reading Triskele Fabric Globes

Katja Marek's "Quilt with Me"

I've decided to start a new handwork project in the new year.  I have things to finish, but I've been flipping through my copy of "The New Hexagon" by Katja Marek since last Christmas.  I've been lurking on Katja's Millefiori quilt along page, but I haven't started anything.  That particular quilt doesn't call to me. … Continue reading Katja Marek's "Quilt with Me"