Launching Threadsome Patterns

I'm back from QuiltCon, and getting caught up on work. Today is a big day - we are launching our Threadsome Patterns brand today! You can watch Ivete, Andrea, and I chatting about it (Andrea will be with us, weather permitting) during tonight's Tuesdays in the Shop. Threadsome is a new pattern design company I've … Continue reading Launching Threadsome Patterns

Introducing Beatrice Biscornu

Will you be attending QuiltCon in Atlanta this year? I'll be there! I'm looking forward to seeing quilting friends in real life for a change! In addition to fooling around with quilty peeps, I'll also be helping my friend Deb in her booth, and also demonstrating wool appliqué for my new pattern company! I've got … Continue reading Introducing Beatrice Biscornu

Weekly Update, October 7

This week has had a little bit of everything. Lectures, quilt show judging, packing, and quilting! Here is my weekly update for October 7. Trunk Show On Sunday I drove down to my old quilt guild, Rebecca's Reel Quilters, in Middletown, NJ. I did a trunk show for them, showing off 3 large suitcases full … Continue reading Weekly Update, October 7

Imposter Syndrome

I'm totally obsessed with the paper doll mustaches included on Screamin' Sicilian frozen pizza, and stick them right in my nose, to the disgust of my entire family. Have you ever felt Imposter Syndrome? It was described in the 1970's by two psychologists as high achievers being unable to internalize and accept success, instead attributing … Continue reading Imposter Syndrome