Exploring Repeating Patterns

I’ve been having a hard time maintaining focus lately. The flood of bad news, combined with the increased housework load from having my family home all the time has me distracted. Add to that the contradictory information on mask making, and I’m all over the place all the time.

Back in February I made the commitment to take a surface pattern design course with Bonnie Christine, and I am so happy I did. I’m still far from an expert, but I can now create a repeating pattern using Adobe Illustrator. There is nothing like learning a new skill to make me feel better about myself.

I’ve learned that I CAN draw some things. Flowers aren’t too bad. And what I can’t draw, I can trace. The secret is to take my own photos, so I’m not stealing work from other people.

This month I’ve discovered a 100 Days challenge that I am participating in. (Well, I made it to day 4, had a migraine, and took a little break. I’m getting back to it today. I promise!) It is over on Instagram, and it is great. Just a list of 100 simple prompts. Typically I do a quick sketch in the morning, then work on it more over the course of the day. It’s my little treat for getting stuff done. (Project is hosted by Katie Logsdon and Heidi Stock.)

My favorite so far was the “bugs” prompt. I have a framed collection of butterflies, and I took photos of a bunch, then turned two into a repeating pattern.

These two butterflies were the inspiration for the print. Not too bad, right? I also think I misinterpreted the glare on the glass of the red one, but I like how it turned out anyway.

“Eggs” was another fun one. Those black speckles are freshly cracked pepper, and you can tell I like to scorch my butter before I crack my eggs into the pan.

I know not everyone has the magic of more time right now. If you do, I would suggest trying something that is outside of your comfort zone. I feel fantastic with my new skill set. My next goal is going to be entering the weekly Spoonflower design competitions.

My next adventure is going to be a watercolor painting class. I already have the supplies, why not learn to use them. Then I can turn them into fabric!

How are you doing during this strange time? I hope all of my friends out there are staying safe and well.

8 thoughts on “Exploring Repeating Patterns

  1. Way to go Jen!! You are using your time wisely:). I really like your sunflower motif. Next step will be adding the all of the fun matching designs for family of fabrics. Good luck and enjoy your new skill!!❤️❤️

    1. Thanks! I’ll be putting together collections soon. I’ve got all of this information in my head trying to get out now.

  2. Jen – I love your patterns. I’m new to quilting. The thought of creating a fabric of your own design sounds inspiring. Do you have a blog where you discuss the process of submitting your designs and receiving the fabric?

    1. I’ll share it all here once it happens! So far I’m learning about the process. Once I have a solid portfolio I will be submitting it to fabric companies b

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