I’m An Adorn-It Ambassador!

Dizzy Quilter Adorn-It fabric

I was informed last month that I was chosen to be an Adorn-It Ambassador for the next 3 month session.  Adorn-It Ambassadors use the materials they are provided and make projects and post about them each week for three months.

Have you seen Adorn-It online yet?  They are everywhere on social media these days, which is how I found out about them.  All of their products are so cute!  They have quilting products – fabric, templates, etc.  They also carry embroidery patterns, scrap booking, coloring and painting supplies, wood crafts, and clothing.

My Ambassador box is a mix of fabric and coloring supplies.  I shot a quick unboxing video.  All of these videos are helping me get used to looking at my face.  I know you know what I mean.


I received 22 different cuts of Adorn-It fabrics.  They have a really nice hand and are fun to play with.  I set up different groupings for possible quilts.  I’m really happy with the variety of scale and value in the fabrics.

Dizzy Quilter Adorn-It fabric

Flamingo Fever* is particularly exciting.  My mom is fond of Flamings, which means I enjoy making things with flamingos.

These little girls are so sweet.  I might have to start up my Village quilt again, with little girls waiting in the doorways.

Florals don’t usually excite me, but these ones are very interesting.  I like the angularity in the large red flowers, and the complexity of the background.

Obviously, I’m developing an infatuation with these gold hearts.  They are so versatile – they need to be in every grouping.

All of these are so cool together.  I might add some red solid for a very graphic baby quilt.

This will be a lovely, feminine quilt.  It will have to find another home to live in, though, because I live in a “boy” house.

These are all of the different prints, just together in two stacks.  The colors aren’t represented very well, despite my fooling with lighting and adjusting in a photo editor.  It might be time to learn how to use my camera.


These two items are fascinating.  They are Artplay Monthly Stitchery kits*.  I had to open them up and look at the directions to understand what they were.  It is some kind of fusible sheet with the pattern printed on it.  You fuse it to your fabric, stitch through it, then soak it to dissolve the stabilizer away.  I’m very intrigued.


I was hoping for a little bit of coloring.  They sent me 12 mini coloring books!  Time to break out my water color pencils and have some play time.

The final item is a bit more challenging for me.  It is an Art Play Kraft Planner*.  It is meant to be personalized with coloring, washi tape, and other types of collage. I bet it would be awesome with some decoupage fabric on it.

Keeping up with a weekly posting is going to be a challenge, but I’m ready, baby!

9 thoughts on “I’m An Adorn-It Ambassador!

  1. Jen, this is so great! I’m so excited to see what you come up with. The Embroidery reminds me of the Nancy Prince workshop at Quilt Odyssey where we thread painted over a wash-away fusible with an image printed on it. You are so cool!

  2. Wow theres is a lot of inspiration in one box. I saw the ‘Adorn It’on INstagram lat night…will be watching and excited to see what you come up with 🙂

  3. Thanks for the introduction. What a lot of fun items in one box. This company is “new” to me, and so I had to go spend some time on their website. Very interesting array of products. I love the yellow print fabric! Have fun coming up with projects.

  4. Oh yeah, Flamingo Fever – I’d buy that collection. These are products I would definitely use!

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