Whew. This week was a slow re-entry back into being home in my studio, topped off by a vaccination on Friday which has knocked me out for a couple of days. I’m glad I’m all up to date, and I hope I don’t have to get multiple COVID vaccinations next year. Here’s my weekly update for October 28.

Big Project
My big project is moving forward. I’ve heard back that it is advancing through the approval process. I’ve been giddy all week, kind of out of my mind over it. I’ve been working on it, too, so that I can hit the ground running when we get to “yes”.
Instagram Reels Experiment

I’ve done a few more reels on Instagram this week. Because cutting chain piecing was so well received, I did a cutting fabric reel. Not popular. Neither was a tour of Gotham Quilts, which I shot on Tuesday when I went to spend the day. It has been interesting to do these experiments. I’ll keep fooling around, maybe I’ll start putting up some hand embroidery reels. I like watching those. My following has been growing slow and steady, and it is fine.
Speaking of Video
I really need to put some more content up on my YouTube channel. I started the year off with a video tutorial I really enjoyed, and it was very well received. That was the last thing I’ve done there. In 2023 I have a series of monthly projects on the calendar for AccuQuilt. I want to do a video for each of them.

All of the chatter this week about Quilt Market has bummed me out a little bit. I had so much fun the time I attended, and I wish I could justify going every year. At least I know the quilt I made for Andover, which I still call “my quilt” is getting plenty of attention.
Instead, I got my rear in gear and registered for QuiltCon. Now I just need to take a few minutes and decide which quilts I want to enter, then do my favorite thing – wait! This will be my second time attending QuiltCon. The first time was a whirlwind – from the madness of registration, to realizing that I don’t have the energy to take classes every day for three days. This time I’m planning to enjoy the show, help out with friends who have booths, and maybe scoop up a last minute seat if there are any classes that strike my fancy. I think this more relaxed experience will be more fun, and less exhausting.

All hand work this week, and all secret sewing, unfortunately. Keeping my sewing projects is always such a bummer, but don’t worry – I’ve been taking lots of photos.
Keep an eye out for my next blog hop, starting on 11/1. I’ll be sharing a project made using the Gotham Quilts My NYC Pillow Panel! It’s not a pillow.
Leveraging My Art
I printed out the remaining workbook pages this week. I’ve really dropped the ball on this. I watch a video lesson or two each week, ponder it, then don’t do much. Rather than beat myself up, I just accept that it is okay for the info to be percolating in the back of my mind. When I’m ready to produce a product, I’ won’t have to do research. The work I have been doing to get my classes together counts.

Digital Photography class has started! I’m halfway through the first reading assignment and overwhelmed by technical info. Here’s hoping I retain all of it!
My camera has been super fun to play with so far, and I’m already looking at buying a different lens. Of course, I have downloaded a pattern for a camera bag, and I plan to make that in a week or so. Hmm. Maybe my final project will be a photography essay on making my own camera bag.
Sounds like another full and productive week. I hope that the digital photography class is helpful. I tend to just bug my poor husband when I have a question, haha!
My husband takes better photos than I do, but mostly with his phone. He seems to have a natural feel for it.