This month I’m joining Tammy Silvers of Tamarinis in her Imagination Renovation challenge. Most of the action is happening on Instagram. Each Monday in August we are sharing our progress on the block. This month there are eleven designers participating in re-imagining the Ocean Waves quilt block.
Ocean Waves is another one of those beautiful classic blocks that I have long wanted to play with. It’s just got so many little pieces, though! At least they are all fairly simple shapes. The original block is constructed with the smaller HST units grouped in an anvil shape, which are combined with solid squares using y-seams. I’m going to adopt the more modern construction method using quarter square triangles to make up the solid centers. I reserve the right to change my mind on this.

The green shapes are how this vintage top is pieced. Setting triangles are used on the edge to finish the blocks. The more modern version (red square) uses triangles throughout to make square blocks for easier piecing.

You can read my post about finishing this vintage Ocean Waves quilt. I had hoped that project would have satisfied my need to make one for myself. Alas, that quilt lives with its owner, and I still want to make my own.

Here is my fabric pull. Right now I am planning to use my Island Batik scrap bin to make this project. Depending on how big it gets, I might need to pull in some other fabrics, too. I’m still considering whether I should sew together small pieces to get the 4 1/2″ squares I want to work with, or if I should let the little bits sit. I think patching them together will give a great texture, but it does seem like a lot more work. Hmmm.

So far my re-imagination involves adding curves to the small half square triangles. I’m using improv curves for this one. Every time I do them, they make me happy. I think it might be my favorite technique, and I don’t do it enough. I’ve started out with gentle curves, but they will probably get more dramatic as the mood strikes.
My plan for the rest of the month on this project is – at least one finished block next week, then a group of four for the end of the month. After that, it will probably become a “leaders and enders” project to fill in little bits of time. I think this one will eventually end up on my bed. My bed is king-sized, though, so it will be a little while.
Have you ever done a project like this – where you re-design a classic block? I think it is a fun activity to get my creative juices flowing.
If you want to see more of the participating designers in the Ocean Wave Quilt Block challenge, check out my post on Instagram. I have a listing of the other designers. You can also search for the hashtag #oceanwaveblockchallenge .