I signed up for a fun quilt along with Elizabeth from Quilter’s Candy. I’ll admit, my initial reason for signing up was the chance to win a Brother Sashiko machine, which is silly. I’m not even sure what I would do with one. The Better Together quilt pattern is fun, though, and I’m enjoying being part of a group for a little bit.

My Island Batik scrap bin is being put to good use with this project. I’ll be making a scrappy rainbow (Surprise!) The 4 yard piece of solid grey is finally being put to good use, too. I have a goal of emptying this bin out this year. Wish me luck.
Once through the bin, and I had my pile of rainbow colors cut out. In case you were wondering, the bin is still over-flowing. And, now I know that I need to plan my next scrap quilt to use pieces smaller than an 8″ square.

If you are using scraps, make sure you press before cutting. It is easier to make accurate cuts on flat fabric than wrinkly fabric. Accurate cuts are an important part of getting accurate blocks that go together easily.
The next step was cutting the background. This took longer, because cutting a lot of squares of the same fabric is more boring. I didn’t take photos – just imagine a large pile of solid grey squares.

Because we are using the 8 at a time half square triangle construction method, the next step was marking my grey squares. I used my Omnigrid Fons & Porter 1/4″ seam marking tool, my grippy sand paper board, and a mechanical pencil while watching The Sopranos with my husband. We’ve been enjoying pointing out local landmarks in the scenes, and reminiscing about my very Italian wedding.

Finally, it is time to start sewing. Of course, the grey squares are on top, so it isn’t too exciting to look at just now. I’m really looking forward to getting these blocks up on my wall next week. It is going to make my studio look so happy.

A couple of units are finished and trimmed. I used my Bloc Loc ruler for this project. It is one of my favorite tools. (I know, I say that about all of my tools.) I’ll keep doing a few at a time, so I don’t have a mountain of trimming to do all at once. Trimming is pretty boring, and when I’m bored I’m more likely to make mistakes.

Here is my first set of 8 half square triangles. All of this color variety from one square of batik is why I love batiks so much.

All of the big units are done, too. Tah dah! Only a few hundred left and I will have a lovely Better Together quilt top.
I hope you have been having fun and sewing recently. I’ve been enjoying the change of season so much. Watching spring unfurl outside of my window has been glorious.
Nice blog yoou have