My box of Island Batik goodies for the second half of 2020 has arrived. I’ve opened it, filmed my initial fabric fondling, and taken extensive photos. Are you ready to share my favorite part of being a brand ambassador?

This is what I started with 41 lbs from Island Batik in two boxes, a box from AccuQuilt, and just this week, another small package from Island Batik. (By small package, I mean only 4 yards of fabric and a strip set.)
Of course, I filmed a video for you. I know we are supposed to get better as we go along, but I’ve just gotten more relaxed. I am a goofball in real life. Why should I deprive you, my loyal readers, from knowing the real me? I do try to reign in the cursing when I’m on tape, for no reason other than I understand that not everyone wants to hear my foul mouth. So, if you hear anything unpleasant when the camera falls over, my apologies. I will have to beg forgiveness for my excited utterances. Also, despite having a blog, being active in social media, and teaching virtual classes, I’m a luddite at heart. That means that you can still catch me grumbling under my breath as I look for the pause button. I’m going to learn video editing soon, I promise. For now, here I am, in all of my glory.

Here it is all opened up. Looks at all of this. And this doesn’t include the package that arrived yesterday with a strip set and coordinates. There should be another spool of Aurifil in there, too. It must have rolled away.
Our industry partners for this round are:
Hobbs Batting
Aurifil Thread
Patterns by Annie
Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Design

In August I’ll be sharing my version of In Control from Patterns by Annie. I received everything I need to make a cool carryall. Which is perfect, because I’ll need to stay super organized while we move to a new home. I’ve used products from this company before, and I can tell you that they are top notch. A new addition this year is a series of videos explaining construction of the bag.

Thread painting with these beautiful colors is on my agenda for September. I’ve got my project planned out, and with some additional support from AccuQuilt, it is going to be amazing.

This is my Corner Beam tool. I’ve started working on a design for it. You will get to see it in October. If you haven’t tried a Studio 180 template, get yourself one and play along. They are truly amazing to work with. I’ve used one for flying geese, and another for split rectangles. Perfection is so attainable with good tools.
Having a ready supply of high quality battings always makes creating beautiful projects easier. I love that we get to work with Hobbs – their battings are top notch, and they are a great company to work with. They have been very generous with me whenever I have asked for samples for publications.
My surprise bundles! As you can see, I opened them already, before taking photos of the wrapped packages. I never remember that I need photos when I’m opening the boxes. They are glorious. You get to see them in September and November.

Even though I can never remember what they are called, these stash builder rolls are fantastic. They are 4 pieces of coordinating fabrics, all cut at 5″ by width of fabric. That means you get 220 square inches if Island Batik beauty to play with in each little roll.

Four yard cuts of Island Batik solids in white, grey and black. Yes, please, and thank you.

Four yards of “Rice”. I love using these neutral blenders – they have some movement, so my background isn’t flat, but they allow the collection they are paired with to really shine.

My all time favorite precut format – the 10″ stack. I’m excited to come up with a new design to use with William’s Garden. These intense colors are so much fun to work with. This collection was designed by Kathy Engle for Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Design. I might go ahead and use this one in October.

Check out this fat quarter bundle from the Bloomers collection, designed by Kathy Engle. Hmm. Let’s see, do I know someone expecting a baby girl soon? I sure do.

Groups of 1/2 yard cuts from the Island Batik Basics line, to coordinate with the surprise bundles I have received.

Last, but not least, a strip set of Sweet Hearts, along with four yards of coordinating basics. Hmmm. I’ve got a 2 1/2″ strip set, and a package of 2 1/4″ fusible batting strips. Should I make another jelly roll rug, or maybe try one of the tote bag patterns I’ve seen? Sweet Hearts was designed by Kathy Engle for Marlous Carter Designs
Okay, guys. I’ve got my work cut out for me. (Well, I will once I run it through my AccuQuilt). Have a great rest of your week. I’ll be back here soon to share my July project with you.
Thank you to Island Batik, Hobbs Batting, AccuQuilt, Aurifil Thread, Patterns by Annie and Studio 180 Designs for supporting my creativity.
And if this wasn’t enough, you can check out all of the loot from my fellow ambassadors. They do a much better job than I do at being professional with their presentations.
Carolina Asmussen ~ Carolina Asmussen
Megan Best ~ Best Quilter
Pamela Boatright ~ Pamela Quilts
Jennifer Fulton ~ Inquiring Quilter
Vasudha Govindan ~ Storied Quilts
Joanne Hart ~ Unicorn Harts
Mania Hatziioannidi ~ Mania for Quilts
Carla Henton ~ Create in the Sticks
Connie Kauffman ~ Kauffman Designs
Emily Leachman ~ The Darling Dogwood
Denise Looney ~ For the Love of Geese
Leah Malasky ~ Quilted Delights
Sally Manke ~ Sally Manke
Maryellen McAuliffe ~ Mary Mack’s Blog
Carol Moellers ~ Carol Moellers Designs
Gail Renna ~ Quilt Haven Threads
Sharon Riley ~ Sew Riley Designs
Michelle Roberts ~ Creative Blonde
Gail Sheppard ~ Quilting Gail
Jennifer Strauser ~ Dizzy Quilter <—- That’s me!
Jennifer Thomas ~ Curlicue Creations
Alison Vermilya ~ Little Bunny Quilts
Sandra Walker ~ mmm! quilts
Suzy Webster ~ Adventurous Applique and Quilting
Janet Yamamoto ~ Whispers of Yore
I’m drooling here . . .
It’s all pretty sweet!
Yess Peacock! That’ a good one. I had it before too, and used it all up. (Might need more.) Your quarantine cut looks great. That plus the rainbow switchblade = apocalypse chic! 🙂
Isn’t it sad when that last precious little scrap gets used up?
Oh, yes I have some teeny tiny pieces I have saved. I didn’t hear any bad words, but maybe my volume wasn’t loud enough. And you are moving again….oh my! Where to this time?
Oh, good! We are moving to Sparta, New Jersey.