Have you heard about AccuQuilt Go! Quilt yet? It is a cool software program on the AccuQuilt website that helps you audition fabrics in your quilts. Then, it gives you customized instructions for your quilt. (Also, tomorrow, 12/6/19, is the last day to enter a contest to win an AccuQuilt Go! Me!)

There are 830 different quilt patterns to choose from. You select one, then customize it with fabric. The fabric library has thousands of current fabrics, lots of solid color options, and you can upload your own fabrics to audition!
I have a Storm at Sea die that has been nagging me to get started. I’m almost ready to get stitching, but until then, I can play with this and get my design fix. This is especially important with a pattern like Storm at Sea – it is really hard for me to visualize this one in different colors.
So, here we go. Make sure you set up an account on the AccuQuilt website, so it will save your layouts. I go into the search box, and type “sea”, and it pulls up several different patterns.

I’m going to use Emerald Sea. I like that it a mini quilt. I have a small quilt raffle coming up that I need to submit a project for. This will be perfect.
My first step is to pull some fabric from my Island Batik stash. I decided on purples, because they are my favorite. Any day working with purples is a good day.

I went through the fabric library, and loaded up my chosen pieces, and it was a hole in one. Look at this beauty! All of my fabrics were in the library, because I’m working with current Island Batik prints. If you are using older fabrics that aren’t available, you can load up your own pretty easily.

I printed up my pattern, and then couldn’t resist a photo. Pretty, right? I did end up swapping out the cream for my favorite Whipped Cream background.
I did have a small issue with my pattern – the fabric requirements are crazy generous. For this 24″ square quilt, it calls for more than four yards of fabric. I used much, much less.

I haven’t finished the entire mini yet – my son came down and asked me to go for a walk with him, so quilting time was cut short. This is where I am so far – one unit complete (with an ERROR!) and all of the remaining sub units prepared. It took me a few minutes to realize which pieces were in the wrong positions, and I am just too tired to fix them tonight. I think I’m about an hour, maybe two, away from a completed top.

I’ve always wanted to do a large Storm at Sea quilt. I’ll be making a scrappy version in 2020.
Hurry on over to design a quilt today, and enter the contest to win a free AccuQuilt Go Me Cutter. Good luck!
I can’t find the place to enter the contest for the jAccuQuilt Go. Could you help me?
Hey, Susan – go here – https://goquilt.accuquilt.com/projects. Set up an account, start a project, color it in, and save it. That’s it.