I’ve been a bad blogger, but a good quilter lately, I promise.
Olde City Quilts had me make another sample – this is Bjorn Bear, by Elizabeth Hartman. I do love her patterns.
This came together easily – I’ve finally learned to cut and label my pieces, not cut and stack them and hope I remember which is which. (Having a quilt on the longarm is helpful for organizing.) Patterns with a lot of pieces require sticky note labels. Amazingly, I only made one mistake on this block, and I caught it quickly. I’m improving!
One of my favorite parts of making shop samples, is that when I walk into my favorite quilt shop, it is like being in a gallery displaying my work. I love it! (Bjorn is the only work that is mine in this shot.)
Bjorn Bear

I like your fabric for Bjorn’s face. Batik? That looks like a very comfortable shop.
It is a batik. Very colorful – almost more like a hand dye. I need to have them give me manufacturer info when I get the sample kit.
Hi what is the long-arm quilt pattern you used on the pillow?
Hey, Julie – That isn’t a pattern, it was me doing free motion.
Very cute.
Bjorn looks great! I agree that having a good labeling system has saved me a lot of rework.
Love your pillow!!! I’m working on Fancy Forest at the moment and I just love it, Bjorn Bear quilt is next!
Are you hooked on Hartman, too? I can’t get enough of her stuff.
What fun! I love the fabric you picked for Bjorn. He really is quite adorable.
Thanks! The quilt shop owner actually chose the fabric, but she always does a lovely job. That is what makes shop samples fun – I get to play with someone else’s fabric.
I love your rainbow Bjorn!