I've discovered a secret to reducing my stress levels when I walk into my studio. I'm going to show you two tools I'm using to organize my threads for creative success. How often are you confronted with a mess like this? I have to tell you, nothing makes me more frustrated than knowing I have … Continue reading Organize Threads for Success
Category: Uncategorized
Sunset Kawandi Style Quilt
Woohoo! Happy dance! I've finished assembling my latest Kawandi Style Quilt - I call this one Sunset! This one has gone so much faster than anticipated. I wanted to give a little update, in case you want to try making one, too. I started this one on my longarm. You can read about that process … Continue reading Sunset Kawandi Style Quilt
Pantone Challenge 2024
I did it. I said no new projects, then went ahead and made something new again. Whoops. I have a new group of friends, and as part of the group chat a few weeks ago they were all sharing their plans for the Peach Fuzz 2024 Pantone challenge, hosted by Sarah Ruiz. I said "no", … Continue reading Pantone Challenge 2024
2023 in Review
I spent some time today looking back at 2023 to remind myself of all the things I've accomplished. I like doing this sometimes - I so rarely take time to celebrate my achievements. It is so much easier to look at my to-do list and mourn the things I didn't finish. Today I'm going to … Continue reading 2023 in Review
Dealing with Diabetes
Hello! Long time no talk. I disappeared for a bit, and I feel like I owe everyone a bit of an explanation, and a little apology. 2023 had some challenges for me, and when I get a stressed, I pull into myself. I don't usually share a lot of personal stuff, but I thought this … Continue reading Dealing with Diabetes
Leveraging My Art
Well, friends, it is that time of year again. Stacie Bloomfield is running another session of Leverage Your Art, and I'm here to share how much I love the program. I also want to talk about the obvious - I don't create much digital art. Why do I think Leverage was a good investment for … Continue reading Leveraging My Art
Thread Talks with Gotham Quilts
I am so excited to finally be able to share one of the big projects I've been working on for the past several weeks. I may have mentioned a time or two that I work with Gotham Quilts. My main job is to coordinate classes, and recently we decided it would be fun to host … Continue reading Thread Talks with Gotham Quilts
Marketing Perspective
Hey, guys! We made it! This is my last blog post of this class. I still have two weeks to go, but I don’t have any other blogging assignments to submit to you. Tonight I’m going to talk about marketing perspective, social media influencers, and how I believe they impact the relationships consumers have with … Continue reading Marketing Perspective
Meeting Consumer Needs Through Digital Media
I’ll have a quilty post for you tomorrow, but tonight we are going to do another homework assignment from marketing class. Today I'm going to evaluate how the Tampa International Airport is meeting consumer needs through digital media, based on one specific incident. Have you seen the story about the tiger who got loose at … Continue reading Meeting Consumer Needs Through Digital Media
A Day with Digital Media
Hey, Friends! You are in luck - I’m in a social media marketing class at SNHU. My first assignment is to explore how I consume social media and share it in a blog post. So, once again, you get to read my homework. My Digital Media Day I start most days with a bleary-eyed scroll … Continue reading A Day with Digital Media