A Fancy Tree from King of Christmas

Earlier this summer I was invited to do a collaboration with King of Christmas. I was a little surprised – I’m a quilter, how did they find me? Then I remembered all of the Christmas tree skirts I made for AccuQuilt last year. I assume that is what caught their attention. I’m going to share my honest opinions about the fancy tree I received from King of Christmas. All of the links in this post are affiliate links – if you buy a tree by going through my links, I will earn a small commission. Thank you!

A fancy tree from King of Christmas

Okay. Confession time. Prior to this, I have used the same artificial Christmas tree I bought in the clearance section at Target back in 2003. This tree has sentimental value – it moved cross country a few times, and after enough of the lights died, I re-strung the tree. (Do not recommend. Very boring, also hurt my fingers.) I grew up in a real tree household, and after many years of observing the drama and mess, along with a few years of hosting the drama and mess in my own house, Jeremy and I decided we are fake tree people.

All of this to say, it was probably time to retire the old tree, but this offer made it much more appealing. Especially when I checked out the King of Christmas website, and saw all of the cool varieties. I’m a big fan of skinny trees, and now that my kids are adults, I want something on the small side. I want my holidays to be easy.

I selected the Noble Fir, which is 7.5″ tall. Still a little tall for this short woman, but I won’t need more than my step stool to get all of the decorations on. I really like that it is a little open, giving space for my ornaments to breathe. I also like that it looks old fashioned. For the first time in many years, I actually have a decor scheme in mind, beyond “the tree is up, I’m done”. I’ll be decorating with a lot of cream and sparkle – I want a victorian look. I couldn’t bring myself to break out the ornaments just yet.

King of Christmas does have an even slimmer tree, but it was flocked. I’m not a fan of the flocking.

Here is a video of me putting the tree together. It should have taken 5 minutes, but I’m easily confused.

I spent several minutes looking for the wires to connect the three sections together. I finally decided to plug it in, as if that would help find the wire ends I was searching for. To my amazement, it all lit up. The electrical connections are inside of the center post! Amazing! Everyone in the family was dragged into the front room for a demonstration of the magical tree. You can hear me summoning my son to share my excitement.

I’ll be spending a little more time fluffing the branches up, but it honestly looks really good right out of the box.

Additional high points – the tree was shipped and arrived very quickly. I had my order the same week, which seems extremely fast for a Christmas tree ordered in July. The King of Christmas elves are not fooling around.

The tree came with a storage bag. Hooray! No more trying to cram it back into the shipping box, or just dragging it down to the basement fully assembled.

It also came with gloves, which I found very amusing. Thinking back to the rash I usually get, they are a great upgrade. I think they would be outstanding for a white gloving at a quilt show.

Best of all, it has a remote control and a timer that can be programmed! I feel like I’ve got the fanciest tree ever!

The branches on the tree are very interesting. All of the trees I’ve seen in the past are long plastic strings, wrapped around a wire, like a bottle brush. This one has molded branches. They are really different, and look better than the fluffy ones. The inner part of the branch has the fluffy bit, but not much.

Second confession – it is October 10, and I have a Christmas tree assembled and plugged in, in my front window. I feel like this is neighbor antagonism to a high degree. Especially because the neighbors are very serious about holiday decor, and have discussed our lack of lights in years past. Also, I drag the people down the street for having their lights up super early. They put them up LAST MONTH and have them looking like Halloween lights. They will get switched over to Christmas colors on 11/1, which is a crime. (Suburban drama is serious, y’all.)

If you are in the market for a new Christmas tree, I definitely recommend King of Christmas, and not just because they sent me a free tree. They are really nice trees.


My next step is going to be making a new tree skirt. I have two options for you, if that project is on your list.

First, AccuQuilt has a die and a series of fantastic free patterns (I wrote several of them!) This is probably the route I will take, as I have the die, and I can probably do one in my sleep at this point. I’m thinking about a cream colored Essex linen, and some hand stitching with metallic details. They also have a June Tailor Quilt as You Go kit, which my friends really like.

If you are looking for a free pattern with no die required, Gotham Quilts has a great pattern available, and a bunch of fun kits.

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