I went on a lovely hike on Saturday with my husband. Bushkill Falls is gorgeous, although it was a lot of stairs for this fluffy quilter. I hope this active weekend was the start of something new in my house.

Secret Sewing Reveal

My Glorified Star of the East quilt project has gone live on the AccuQuilt website! That means I can finally write a post and share my inspirations with you! I’ll get that written up soon. For now, enjoy a photo and if you are burning to learn more, check out the blog on the AccuQuilt website. I can’t get over how good the colors look in the Peppered Cottons. This quilt glows, and I feel like I might have to revisit this pattern and make a larger version for myself. When I have some down time.
I spent Wednesday in the city at Gotham Quilts. I did some work, then spent a few hours with friends during my social sewing session. It was so nice! I’m looking forward to my next session on October 25th. If you wan to join me, you can get the details on the Gotham Quilts website.
I’m working on a few new class offerings. I have to decide on Kawandi style quilts by machine or gentle improv curves for November. What do you think?
Leveraging My Art
This week I spent time listening to so many amazing lessons in Leverage. A lot of it revolves around brand identity, and I feel like that is something I have figured out for Dizzy Quilter already. As I work on launching my new brand, Threadsome, it is nice to get a refresher on these topics. My partners and I have already set up our logo, brand colors, and other things like fonts, ideal customer avatar, and our mission statement. All of these things happen behind the scenes while I stitch our product samples and work on writing patterns.

I had a sample jigsaw puzzle made, and it was fun to put together, although a little challenging. It looks amazing, though. I liked it so much that I went ahead and listed it in my Etsy shop for sale! My expectations are low, but at the very least, I know that Etsy prefers shops that have a generous number of listings. Want to check it out? You can see my puzzle listing here.
Up next on my to-do list is automating my Instagram feed. I really would like to figure out a rhythm and strategy for that to make it a little bit easier.
Weekend Plans
I’m so excited for Sunday! I’m taking a virtual class with Audrey, from Cotton and Bourbon to learn how to make the Mobius Radial quilt! This is the best part of being the class coordinator at Gotham Quilts. I get to reach out to quilters I admire and hire them to teach. I’m a late-blooming networking nerd.

There are still 4 open seats as of now, so if you want to join me, sign up here. Do it today, though, because there is a load of printing and taping to do to prepare for class.
Now, I’ve got less than two weeks to wrap up all of my studio work then head back down to Florida for a couple of weeks. I have a few AccuQuilt projects, two Threadsome projects, and I need to clean my disaster of a studio. It has deteriorated from messy to absolute chaos and it’s distracting me.
The hike sounds and looks wonderful. We’ve been getting into a better groove here for getting outside, and hopefully we can stick with it. Good luck getting your studio tidied up and everything you want accomplished before heading back to Florida. 🙂
AWESOME Mobius Radial quilt!!! Brilliant, creative & TALENTED!