Sherry Shish of Powered by Quilting is here to get us started on Day 8 of the Sew Good Blog Hop. Sew Good is the new fabric line designed the incredible Debrah Fisher, of Fish Museum and Circus, in partnership with Windham Fabrics.
Have you met Sherry yet? I’ve participated in several of her blog tours for her signature fabric lines with Island Batik. Sherry is a dynamo – I definitely can’t wrap my head around how many quilts and patterns she puts out, while also holding down a full time job. It must be some Engineer Work-Flow Magic, or just superior time management. You know I love following quilt designers who are also engineers – they are so smart!

Check out this gorgeous quilt that Sherry has put together using Sew Good! I love that it uses large squares to highlight the larger prints in the collection. It’s called Checkerboard Plus, and you can get the pattern in her Etsy shop, and it is on sale this week!
Thanks for visiting Day 8 of the Sew Good Blog Hop! Don’t forget to check out any of the bloggers that you may have missed. And come back tomorrow to see what Sandra from Textile Time Travels has up her sleeve!
Blog Hop Schedule
Date | Name | Blog | |
2/1 | Jen Strauser | Dizzy Quilter | @jenstrauser |
2/2 | Becca Fenstermaker | Sugar Sand Quilts | @sugarsandquilter |
2/3 | Sam Hunter | @huntersds | |
2/4 | Laura Piland | Slice of Pi Quilts | @sliceofpiquilts |
2/5 | Lissa LaGreca | Lovingly Lissa | @lovinglylissa |
2/6 | Jen Strauser | Dizzy Quilter | @jenstrauser |
2/7 | Kim Niedzwiecki | Gogo Kim | @gogokim |
2/8 | Sherry Shish | Powered by Quilting | @poweredbyquilting |
2/9 | Sandra Starley | Textile Time Travels | @textiletimetravels |
2/10 | Amy Friend | During Quiet Time | @duringquiettime |
2/11 | Deborah Fisher | Fish Museum & Circus | @fishmuseum |
2/12 | Jen Strauser | Dizzy Quilter | @jenstrauser |