It’s Day 6 of the Sew Good Blog Hop today! I cannot lie, I love big quilts more than anything. But sometimes, I like to make small things, too. Today I’m going to share two small projects My Mom & I have made using the Sew Good fabric collection by Deborah Fisher of Fish Museum & Circus for Windham Fabrics.

First up is my needle roll. I’ve begun exploring embroidery this year, and I decided to make the Roadrunner Needle roll from Sue Spargo. I chose my favorite print from the collection, the pincushion ladies on blue. I paired it with Boundless binding in green, and decided on the polka dots as the displayed pattern.

The button closure, though, is the highlight of the piece for me. I love Deborah’s handmade buttons, and it was nice to find a place to put one that I will look at every day. I wrote more about my needle roll here, if you want to check out the embroidery aspect.

The next little project is a little pouch for my thread spools. My Mom made this adorable little bag for me, and I use it all the time. (Mom is a bag master – she is always making interesting bags). She also enjoys helping me use up my scraps, which is awesome. This little guy is a mini rice bag, complete with these fancy little ribbon holders, which are called Koki Clips. This link will pop up a coupon code for $5 off at Snuggly Monkey, courtesy of Mom. Happy shopping!
Are you weakening? Ready to order your own bundle of Sew Good? Head over to Deb’s shop and get some!
Blog Hop Schedule
Date | Name | Blog | |
2/1 | Jen Strauser | Dizzy Quilter | @jenstrauser |
2/2 | Becca Fenstermaker | Sugar Sand Quilts | @sugarsandquilter |
2/3 | Sam Hunter | @huntersds | |
2/4 | Laura Piland | Slice of Pi Quilts | @sliceofpiquilts |
2/5 | Lissa LaGreca | Lovingly Lissa | @lovinglylissa |
2/6 | Jen Strauser | Dizzy Quilter | @jenstrauser |
2/7 | Kim Niedzwiecki | Gogo Kim | @gogokim |
2/8 | Sherry Shish | Powered by Quilting | @poweredbyquilting |
2/9 | Sandra Starley | Textile Time Travels | @textiletimetravels |
2/10 | Amy Friend | During Quiet Time | @duringquiettime |
2/11 | Deborah Fisher | Fish Museum & Circus | @fishmuseum |
2/12 | Jen Strauser | Dizzy Quilter | @jenstrauser |