Today is the last day of the Ocean Waves Quilt Block Imagination Renovation Challenge. Not surprisingly, I did not make an entire quilt. I have big plans, but they don’t involve this one being finished before next year. I am really happy with the quilt I’ve begun, though.
I’ve been taking a class with Clara Warner to hone my graphic design skills, and it has been time very well spent. If you are interested in mastering Adobe Illustrator, In Design and Photoshop, I highly recommend following Clara and signing up when she offers her class again. Here is some of what I learned:

I created this mock up of my quilt based on my first block. I was able to create my quilt at the scale I will be making it, which will be 108″ square. I’m already in love with it, and I’ve only got a couple of blocks done so far. This software suite is so powerful.
One thing I’m not in love with is the asymmetry. I have to decide if I want to leave it, as it won’t show when draped over my bed. I don’t want a border, so I can’t pull off a row of blocks. I might have to come up with a partial block and do a row of them along the outside, to center the pattern. Or, I could do another row of blocks on two sides, and make a quilt that is 120″ square, but I’m not sure I can load that onto my longarm. Well. I have plenty of time to figure that out.
Have you checked out the other participants on Instagram? There are so many variations that have been created – it is really fascinating to see how different people have responded to the same simple prompt.
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