I am becoming a quilting class addict. It is easy to do when you work at an awesome shop. Usually I go for the big names, but the class that caught my eye last week is offered by a coworker.
I’ve been working with Reyna for over a year now, and she’s one of a small number of English Paper Piecing enthusiasts I have met. (Most quilters give me the side eye when I mention EPP.) Plus, she’s at least as crazy as I am. While I usually follow patterns, Reyna designs her own.
You can check her out on her Hexatopia website. Make sure you go through the older posts to really appreciate what is going on there. It’s amazing.
We’ve had our first class session at Gotham Quilts so far. I’m thrilled and excited with what I have started. Reyna is teaching us to create our own, unique designs.

My fabric pull for this project is actually a bundle Reyna put together for me for another project. This is what working with a fabric professional looks like – color values from light to dark, a mix of small, medium and large scale, and plenty of opportunities for fussy cutting. I’m happy to finally be cutting into it, as it was displaced on the original project.

Here is the first block I’m working on. Reyna showed us how she creates her blocks with a system of drawing and erasing lines. Some of my classmates are seeking out simple blocks for a fun project. I define fun a little differently. I want lots of little pieces with a complex color relationship.

I drew this one, too. I might piece it next, or I might break it up a little bit more.
It feels so good to do an indulgent project once in a while. This one is just for me – no deadline, no plans to publish, and no expectations from anyone else. Just stitching for fun.

I’m off to enjoy what remains of my weekend, hand piecing tiny pieces of fabric onto tinier pieces of paper. I want to finish this block for the next class. I hope you are enjoying yourself with whatever brings you joy.
Love your blocks. Also like small pieces. Working on a libs Elliott design.
Oooh. Which one? I’ve done Wicked Hex – it was fun.
Pretty colors, I finally dove head first into the box of hexies my MIL gave me a few years ago, now to wait for Paper pieces to send me the new hexies I need to keep going… my fabrics are all ironed and waiting! I printed out 4/5 sheets of them onto card stock, will probably print out a few more before those get here. Then I will be off to the races again!
Wheeeee! They are so much fun.
I took a class with Reyna once too- she’s amazing. And Gotham is such a great shop!
The fabric pull is awesome – it will be fun to see what you do with your design.
Oh, that looks like fun. I’ve definitely begun to value the indulgent just for me projects. And the last photo showing a sense of scale is wonderful. 🙂
Thanks, Yvonne! Are you planning to do more handwork while you adventure?
It’s definitely high on the probability list. I’ve also been kind of falling in love with applique. It will be interesting to see what evolves!
I wish there was a quilt shop close by to be able to take classes, I am jealous…enjoy!
I wish you had something nearby! It is fun.