Pumpkin Mini Quilt with Island Batik

The Island Batik Challenge for October is Needle, Paper, Scissors.  I made this cute little pumpkin mini quilt to decorate my kitchen. This has been a busy month, so I chose a simple project to show off my holiday spirit. I used Electric Quilter 7 to generate a foundation paper pieced pumpkin block pattern.  Then … Continue reading Pumpkin Mini Quilt with Island Batik

Modern Batik Challenge with Island Batik

What does m Modern Quilting mean to you?  This is a question that can either start a long conversation among quilters.  My personal definition of Modern quilting is simple:  Contemporary.  Any quilt made today is modern, to me.  Even a hand pieced, hand quilted, traditional style quilt is modern.  I know that not everyone agrees … Continue reading Modern Batik Challenge with Island Batik

Mini Love with Island Batik

The final February challenge for Island Batik Ambassadors is to make a mini quilt.  I had grand plans for an EPP masterpiece, but vacation was a little more snorkeling and fishing and a little less stitching on the beach than I had planned.  So, here is something completely different.  Don't worry, the EPP is still … Continue reading Mini Love with Island Batik